Fly a parrot minidrone using the quadcopter simulink model
Fly a parrot minidrone using the quadcopter simulink model

  1. #Fly a parrot minidrone using the quadcopter simulink model how to
  2. #Fly a parrot minidrone using the quadcopter simulink model Bluetooth

To save the trajectory that is currently in your panel, click the Save button. To generate the trajectory, add the waypoint and no-fly zone characteristics to the respective panels, then click Generate Trajectory. This panel plots the trajectory over the Apple Hill campus aerial schematic based on the waypoints and no-fly zone characteristics. Use the Add, Delete, Edit, OK, and Cancel buttons in the same way as for the Waypoints panel. You can visualize the variables for the quadcopter in one of the following ways:

For more information on how to do this, see the Simulink Control Design Get Started with Simulink Control Design (Simulink Control Design)). To make sure that the trajectory generation tool works properly, the example implements a test in the trajectoryTest file. The model uses the trimLinearizeOpPoint to linearize the nonlinear model of the quadcopter using Simulink Control Design (R). To include these models, you can change the VSS_ENVIRONMENT variable in the workspace to toggle between variable and fixed environment models. The models implement several Aerospace Blockset™ environment blocks, including those for atmosphere and gravity models. To include sensor dynamics with these measurements, you can change the VSS_SENSORS variable in the workspace. The example stores the characteristics for the sensors in the file sensorVars. Tip: Use the accelerometer data from the input port Sensors to determine the tilt angle.An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to measure the angular rates and translational accelerations. Other Things to Try with TCP/IP and UDP Blocks in Simulink Support Package for Parrot MinidronesĬreate and run a model that increases the motor speed when the drone is tilted forward, and reduces the motor speed when the drone is tilted backward. Double-click on the Scope block to observe the change in the sensor value. Change the position of the drone from the ground level (raise or lower the drone). Double-click on the Scope block in the host model to see the variation in acceleration sensed by the Parrot Minidrone in the Z direction (the Z value is positive in the downward direction). You can use Set Pace block from Aerospace Blockset/Animation Support Utilities or real-time block from this MATLAB File Exchange page.ħ. Hence, we might notice some delay in the speed change of the propellers. The Simulink model on the host does not run in real time. Notice the change in speed of the propellers after some delay. Change the knob position in the host model to control the speed of the motors. You will observe propellers connected to motors 1 and 3 begin to spin.Ħ. On the toolbar of the host model Simulink window, click the Run icon to simulate the model. You can relaunch the interface by executing Parrot_FlightInterface at the MATLAB command window.ĥ. The drone is also prepared to receive TCP/IP data at port 25000. The deployed target model on the drone starts sending UDP packets to port 29000 of the host computer. On the Flight Control Interface (launched in Task 2), click START. If you are using a Parrot Mambo minidrone, change the address to This block is configured to transmit the packets on port 25000 to, which is the IP address of the Parrot Rolling Spider minidrone. The Local port is set to 29000, and the output Data type is set to single to match the sensor value type. This block is configured to receive UDP packets sent by the model running on the Parrot minidrone. If you have selected the Launch Parrot Flight Control Interface automatically after build option in the Configuration Parameters dialog box ( Hardware Implementation pane > Target Hardware Resources > Build Options), the Parrot Flight Control UI opens automatically after the build goes through successfully.Ģ. On the toolbar of the Simulink model window, click the Deploy to Hardware icon.Ħ. The Remote IP port parameter is set to 29000 to match the local port in the UDP Receive block in the host Simulink model.

The Remote IP address is the IP address of the Bluetooth interface on the host computer. This is because, in the host Simulink model, we are using a TCP Send block to serve as a client. For this model, the Connection mode is set to Server. The Connection mode of TCP/IP Receive block can be Server or Client. Ensure that the Data type and Data size parameters in the host model are set to the same values as the parameters in the target model. The Data type is set to double and Data size is set to 1. The Local IP port value is set to 25000, which matches the remote port on the TCP Send block in the Host Communication Model. Double click on the TCP/IP Receive block. The Concatenate input ports correspond to the RPM values assigned to the motors.ģ. The output port Data of the TCP/IP Receive block is connected to input ports 1 and 3 of the Concatenate block. Open the "Flight_Control_System" subsystem.

Fly a parrot minidrone using the quadcopter simulink model